Bird Taxidermy - South Africa

Getting your birds back home.

Karoo Wingshooting uses the taxidermy service of a reputable taxidermist that can mount your African game birds to resemble their most natural features.  Our bird taxidermist in South Africa is knowledgeable and experienced with the exportation of game birds across the globe.

This being said, if you are looking for an extraordinary trophy game bird display, our bird taxidermists are not comparable with the award winning bird taxidermists found in the USA or Europe. Due to the texture of dry bird skins and the challenges US and European taxidermists have rehydrating these skins without disintegrating, Dipping and Shipping (Raw preparation) of these skins is done at the client’s risk.

We do offer a facility where your personal taxidermist can perform the skinning, mounting and crating of the game birds during and after your wingshooting safari.

Modelling, painting and habitat construction will commence once the birds are received in his personal studio.

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